Reet Vocal Offline only group (4-6) session Level-2


Offline session : only group (4-6)-Rs 1000 at our centres

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Session 1- 

Introductory – Swar -lippi ,varjit – sur 

1 sargam

Shabad (1 st) -ucharan,meaning of rahao

Tune of shabad 

Session 2 

Revision of tune and sargam

Notation of shabad (asthai)

Shabad (asthai)

Session 3


Notation of shabad (antara)

Shabad (antara)

Session 4 

Shabad completion with revision 


Session 5- 

1 sargam

Shabad (2nd) -ucharan,meaning of rahao

Tune of shabad 

Session 6

Revision of tune and sargam

Notation of shabad (asthai)

Shabad (asthai)

Session 7


Notation of shabad (antara)

Shabad (antara)


Shabad completion with revision 


Session 9 

Student choice shabad 3 uchran,meaning 

Tune of shabad 

Session 10 

Notation of shabad (asthai)

Shabad (asthai)

Session 11

Notation of antara 

Shabad (antara)

Session 12

Shabad completion with revision 

Session 13

Student choice shabad 4 uchran,meaning 

Tune of shabad 

Session 14

Notation of shabad (asthai)

Shabad (asthai)

Session 15

Notation of antara 

Shabad (antara)

Session 16

Shabad completion with revision 

Session 17

Revision ,Doubt clearance and completion of level 1

Session 18

Assessment of level 2