Saranda Offline only group session Level-1


Offline session : only group (4-6)-Rs 1000 at our centres(Andheri/sion GTB nagar)


Session 1- 

Meaning of Sangeet and gurmat sangeet

Introduction of instrument

Sitting Position 

Session 2 

Holding and playing technique(BOW/GAJJ)

Session 3

Holding and playing technique(BOW/GAJJ)

Session 4 

Holding and playing technique(BOW/GAJJ) 

Session 5

Holding and playing technique(BOW/GAJJ) with “sa”

Session 6

Holding and playing technique(BOW/GAJJ) with “sa””re””ga”

Session 7

Holding and playing technique(BOW/GAJJ) with “sa , re ,ga ,ma ,pa’

Session 8

Meaning of aaroh,avroh , full form of swar

Holding and playing technique(BOW/GAJJ) with “sa,re,ga ,ma,pa,dha,ni,sa’


Session 9 

Alankaar /paltey

Full sargam with aaroh and avroh

Aaroh : “sa,re,ga ,ma,pa,dha,ni,sa’

Avroh : ‘Sa,ni,dha,pa,ma,ga,re,sa


Session 10

Swars and its form

Full sargam with aaroh and avroh

Aaroh : “sa,re,ga ,ma,pa,dha,ni,sa’

Avroh : ‘Sa,ni,dha,pa,ma,ga,re,sa


Session 11

Teen taal (samm ,taali ,khali)

First sargam with various techniques using RHYTHM and GAJJ

Session 12

First sargam with various techniques using RHYTHM and GAJJ

Session 13 –

First sargam with various techniques using RHYTHM and GAJJ

Session 14 

First sargam with various techniques using RHYTHM and GAJJ

Session 15 

First sargam with various techniques using RHYTHM and GAJJ


Session 16 

First sargam with various techniques using RHYTHM and GAJJ

Session 17 

First sargam with various techniques using RHYTHM and GAJJ

Session 18 

Second sargam

Session 19 

Second sargam

Session 20

Third sargam

Session 21 

Third sargam

Session 22 

Third sargam

Session 23

Fourth sargam 

Session 24 

Fourth sargam

Session 25 

Fourth sargam

Session 26

 Fifth sargam


Session 27 

Fifth sargam

Session 28

 Fifth sargam

Session 29 

Sixth sargam

Session 30

 Sixth sargam

Session 31 

Seventh sargam

Session 32 

Seventh sargam

Session 33 

Seventh sargam

Session 34

 Seventh sargam

Session 35

 Tunes of Simran

Session 36

 Tunes of simran 

Session 37 

Tunes of Simran

Session 38

 Tunes of Simran


Session 39

 Introduction of raag bilaval-31 raag ,thath) 

Reading and meaning of shabad (rahao)

Notation (asthai)

Session 40 

Introduction of raag (vaadi ,samvaadi)
notation (asthai)

Session 41 

(Introduction of raag (samaa,jaati ,aaroh ,avroh)

Notation (antara)

Session 42

 Introduction of raag (pakar )

Notation (antara)

Session 43 

Meaning of mahala ,rahao

Shabad (asthai)

Session 44

 Meaning of ghar ,locking system 

Shabad (antara)

Session 45 

Full shabad 

Session 46

Full shabad


Session 47

Revision and doubt clearance

Session 48
